"Honesty will get you a lot further then pitiful pretentiousness"
Since the last time i posted, not much has happened. Rubys birthday party was a smash. The Ships Piano were fantastic, so were You Will Die Alone. Lots of really great people, whose company i enjoy immensley. I drank not too much and just enough, which is a releif since alchohol often induces rediculously awkward and embarressing moments for me, so five or six vodka and Ciata's were plenty to make me just giggle quietly.
Sam and i went back to cloud city, on the tram home with Laura Sabine, we had a rediculous tram driver who kept making the doors creak and shudder and saying really bizzare things to us. It was... entertaining but quite creepy. We slept in until 11 and spent the rest of the day at my house eating melty cheese and tomato and pesto on toast, cruising the internet, cleaning my room and making out.
Sam took me to dinner at Shanghai dumpling where we munched on spring rolls and dumplings.
I want to write more about Meet Me At Mikes today, and the show at cloud city tonight and seeing some really great bands and just feeling sleepy but Big Love is starting. I am listening to this complilation Tim Sullivan and Juzzie from Quebec made of some of the best melbourne bands over the last 2 years. Its really impressive, and really exciting to think i have got to witness some of this music being performed, known some of the people who have played it and just gotten to experience something like this, something like the music community in Melbourne.
The people in these bands are some of the hardest working, loyal and determined people around. some of them are lazy, but some are real 'do-ers', taking the time to put on shows, to make music or even to make a compilation like this is proof. Lets hear it for them.
check this out: www.myspace.com/wearequebec
no one reads this.
yes they do!
Let's hear it for you too.
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