So after all that non-posting, here i am trying to make up for it! after school school school interupting my life, i am on holidays! and while i have a pile of books to re-read, notes to remember and sacs to study for i am actually much free-er then i have been for months! in the sense that i have handed all the folios in, i did my LAST literiture sac EVER and Sam has gone to asia, hes already been gone for 3 weeks but comes back in 2 so i am kinda boyfriend free. yip-eee. (its actually a bad kinda free, but absence is certainly making the heart grow fonder)
Here are the things that freedom allows me to try and complete:
1. make a zine!
2. make some clothes
3. watch all the movies i have always wanted to watch
4. read miranda july's new book
5. work and work and work for mikes!
6. save up some money!
i am the excited and ambitious molly this evening, and as i sit here and eat chocolate and watch "a series of unfortunate events" on TV (that olaf is SO dispicable!)
hopefully i'll post again!
photobucket is being disagreeable and will not work. no photo for you or me!